We have launched a new program! An easy way to help us find new clients and at the same time give you some cash for an easy referral. We are looking for new clients for our main services, which are videography and photography, or our secondary businesses which is equipment rental.

While we are in the process of improving our SEO, marketing and all the rest of that boring stuff, it would be great to get some help from you guys. Our top referral so far pays $400, which requires a referral worth $2,500 or more (most of the jobs we take are between $1,000-$5,000). We might include a $750 one later, but we’ll see how things go for the moment while we test this out.
There is no limit to how many referrals we will gladly accept, although, in line with our values, we will be monitoring for spam like behaviour. We want our details to be provided to people and businesses who you have good reason to believe will need it.
High quality referrals are appreciated and rewarded in the form of some great spending money for your weekend, or towards the next iPhone … 15?13? X?,S? I’ve lost track, but the next one.
For details on how to make a referral, the terms and conditions, and information on the rewards click the link: www.gravitytechmedia.com/referral-program